+48 (32) 251-92-25 wilpo@wilpo.pl

Radiometric under belt ash meter WILPO C 212

Applied measurement methods

The device is designed for continuous measurement of ash content in coal on the conveyor belt. The ash meter WILPO C 212 is especially prepared for ash content measurement in a run of a mine of hard and brown coal. It can be employed in a open pit (i.e. directly on excavators), power stations and mines.


The ash meter WILPO C 212 is built from two main units: the measuring post and the reading post. The measuring post is created by suspension, a measuring head with the radiation source and a detector, a sensitive device of the layer’s height and an connecting box. The connecting box is equipped in modems that enables connections of both units (reading and measuring), even on a long distance.

The reading post consists of the industrial computer set and the specialized software allowing simultaneous servicing of several measurement functions as well as digital and graphical visualization of measurement results together with their recording in the database.

Basic technical data

Granulation of the tested coal 0 – 300 mm
Required carbon layer thickness: min. 100 mm (homogeneous, without layered carbon)
Conveyor belt:
1200 – 2000 mm
selected for penetrability of the radiation used, uniform along the entire length
Radiation source: Am – 241 (3,7GBq)
Measurement accuracy σ (average depends on the selected tape):
for the range 0 – 20% Ar
for the range 20 – 40% Ar
for the range above 40% Ar

 1,5 % 
 2,0 %
 2,5 %

Rated supply voltage UN: 230V, 50 Hz